Halloween brings the strangest of people to The Shireburn at Hurst Green for a spooktacular experience attending the Murder Mystery Extravanganza.
The cast from AfterDark Theatre Company performed another amazing night to a packed crowd. Whilst guests enjoyed their 4 course meal, the Murder at Monster Mansion unravelled during the evening. Only a few people managed to be clever enough to solve (or come close to solving) the murder.
The winners and losers both were awarded with a prize.
Speaking with Mrs Lancaster on the night, she said
"I have never been to a Murder Mystery Night before, hence being the Losers of the night!! It was an absolutely brilliant night that I would definately recommend. I will be coming to the Faulty Towers Murder Mystery here in March next year and hopefully I will be able to answer more questions next time. The meal, staff and entertainment were faultless.
Thank You for a superb night."
(Mrs Lancaster, with the Losers Trophy)
The winnners on the night, were also awarded with a trophy (below)
Well Done, you clever clogs!!
Don't forget to check the forthcoming events on our website page for Events for 2011. More Murder Mystery Nights and Theme Nights planned.